Thursday, February 26, 2015

You better take a gun to the mall!

Over the weekend, with little traction in the news, Homeland Security released information about a claim from Somali Terrorist wanting to plan attacks on the Mall of America in Minnesota. those terrorists themselves released a video asking radical muslims to specifically target this location.
Guess what the Mall of America chose to do. They put out a statement reaffirming that their mall is a gun free zone, and they even put up more signs saying such.

Stupid stupid people.

These terrorists called for a similar attack like what happened in Nairobi, Kenya. Where dozens were killed and injured. And the Mall of America says the solution is to put up signs saying no guns allowed. 

Wow... That will scare off the bad guys.

Right after that attack, Secretary General of Interpol said that there was only 2 ways to prevent mass shootings like this. "One is to say we want an armed citizenry; you can see the reason for that. Another is to say the enclaves (should be) so secure that in order to get into the soft target, you're going to have to pass through extraordinary security."

Ah the sweet sounds of of common sense.

Since 1950, all but 2 mass shootings in America have occurred only in gun free zones. In Europe, all of them have.

Murders often talk about how gun free zones are their targets of choice. Elliot Rogers killed 6 people in Santa Barbara, CA. His 141 page manifesto he wrote how he turned down sites because he was worried that a concealed carry holder would end his killing spree early.

Justin Bourque killed 3 in Moncton, Canada. His Facebook page made fun of gun free zones.

The Aurora, CO movie theater shooter had 7 theaters showing the premier of Batman within 20 minutes of his apartment. But he chose one further away because it had a no guns allowed policy.

Gun control advocates claim that permit holders will only make things worse, as they are more likely to accidentally shoot a bystander. Or that when the cops show up, they will kill anyone with a gun including the permit holder. However, we now have established history on our side. Of the numerous cases where a concealed carry holder stopped shooting in churches, malls, schools, etc. no permit holder has ever accidentally shot a bystander. By the same token, no cop has mistakenly shot the permit holder.

Now here is my advice to those who live in Minnesota that have concealed carry permits. Current law does not recognize gun ban signs outside of businesses. Meaning that they can put up all of the signs they want, but unless a business specifically tells you to leave, you are good to go. You can carry concealed all you want. So I call on all my brothers and sisters from the great state of Minnesota to conceal their gatt and go shopping. Make the mall a safer place.

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