Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Bicycles Are On A Rampage Across America!

We here at Guns and Wammo like to illustrate absurdity with absurdity. We hear how awful guns are and how everything is worse with them. But truth be told, it is a bunch of people with an agenda. They want to disarm America. So they blow everything out of proportion and make things worse than they really are. They give you numbers pointing out how dangerous guns are. But they never compare those numbers to other things that seem less menacing. If they did, they would expose the absurdity.

Did you know that more kids drown in their pool in the backyard than die from a firearm in their home? By a gigantic amount. 500% more kids die from a swimming pool at home than do because of a firearm in their home. Did you know that there are only 4.5 million homes that have pools but there are 100 million homes with firearms? Does that not illustrate the absurdity?

So when I say: Pools kill 50 times more children than guns do, that is a great example of illustrating absurdity with absurdity.

Did you know that of all accidents at home, falling down kills 43 times more people than a gun in their home does?

So... Gravity kills 43 times more people than guns do. Absurdity with absurdity. In fact, when you look at worldwide numbers, and include every single instance of somebody dying by a bullet, you are not even close to the ravaging that takes place by evil Mr. Gravity. Including even the death tolls of war. Gravity kills 230% more people than guns do. Each year. Gravity, of all things.

But we focus on guns because there is a political agenda to disarm citizens.

That leads me to an interesting factoid that shows just how absurd people can be. There is roughly the same amount of gun owners in America as there are bicycle owners. Did you know that? If we were really concerned with keeping people safe, we would require safety courses on bicycle use, require licensing and background checks as well. Why? Because even though the number of gun owners and bicycle owners are roughly the same, over 50,000 kids each year go to the hospital due to a bicycle injury. But gun accidents account for less than 7,000. Where is the concern about the public well being for bicycle injuries like we see for guns?

It is this absurd illustration that shows you that there is political agenda around disarming citizens. It has nothing to do with actually keeping people safe.

Here is another factoid for you. Over 100,000 people go to the emergency room each year due to skateboards. That is 900% more often than the evil firearm. How come there are no Mother advocacy groups trying to get skateboards off of the street? But we sure do have them to get rid of guns.

Look I understand that most people just want people to be safe and live a long life. But when you have a politician yell about something being evil. When an advocacy group says something is evil. When anybody tries to pull on your heart strings and use emotion to sway your opinion, you better start doing some fact checking. On your own. Not reading a website that quotes you numbers trying to sway your opinion. Look all of those numbers up yourself, and then compare them to more normal things in life.

For instance, alcohol related deaths are about 75,000 each year. Gun related deaths - all of them combined - is 30,000. Something supposedly so evil and dangerous is half as likely to kill you as something so normal as alcohol.

Remember: Always do the absurdity check on your own, before you ever believe a politician about anything.

I will leave you with a quote from George Washington. Our first President and hero of the war for independence. During a speech in front of the first American Congress, he said the following:

"Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence... From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day. Events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to ensure peace, security, and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable. Every corner of this land knows firearms, and more than 99/100 percent of them by their silence indicate they are in safe and sane hands. The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference - They deserve a place of honor with all that's good. When firearms go, all goes. We need them every hour." - George Washington, Address to the Second Session, First United States Congress.

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