Monday, February 16, 2015

Gravity is a homicidal Maniac!

Welcome to our series on debunking the most popular gun myths. In it, we aim to totally destroy all of the myths that you are most familiar with. You will be able to use these to cram the truth down a gun grabber's throat.

Because sometimes the truth hurts, we don't care if they choke on it.

#8 - OMG!!! Gun accidents kill thousands each year!

Yet another incredible lie quoted by politicians and spread by the internet. Guess what, gang. Not everything you read on the internet is true. Here is a statistic straight from the National Safety Council. Only 400 people out of a population of 310 million, are accidentally killed by a firearm while at home. Firearms are only the eighth most likely thing to kill you at home. A much-much-much more dangerous thing is gravity. It is the second most dangerous thing to kill you. Falling down kills 17,500 people each year at home. That is 43 times more people than accidentally die by guns.

I know what you are thinking. I said dies at home. So what about all of those people that go hunting? I bet those numbers are through the roof.

WRONG! The same National Safety Council said that the number one safest relaxing activity is Camping. The second one is shooting pool. Billiards. The third safest relaxing past time is - wait for it - HUNTING! In fact you are 3 times more likely to sustain an injury playing golf than going hunting.

Here is the most amazing statistic of all: Gun sales and gun ownership is growing at an almost immeasurable rate year over year. Like we can't even track how fast it's growing. Yet accidental gun fatalities, homicides involving guns, and all violent crimes using guns are going down. They are moving in opposite direction. In fact, any negative stat that you can quote about guns, have been steadily decreasing BY DOUBLE DIGIT PERCENTAGE POINTS, while gun sales and ownership are going through the roof.

It's almost as if the more guns we buy, the better everything gets. I know. I know. That sounds silly. Silly or not, accidents and crime involving guns are going down, while firearm ownership is going up. WAY up!


Here is another little factoid for you. Worldwide, the number of firearm related deaths is roughly 250,000. That includes murder and all violent crime, war and regional conflicts, and all accidents and suicide. Absolutely all gun deaths. By the same token, gravity - falling down - kills over 550,000 people worldwide. That gravity is a real pain in the keester.

Put things in perspective people...

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